Saturday, March 15, 2025

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Kung Fu Show in Beijing - dont miss it!

Bagi penggemar action atau film kungfu atau khusunya bagi anda praktisi bela diri, nah kalau mampir ke Beijing, dan gak punya waktu lama untuk muter muter berpetualang di China. saya sarankan, anda harus nonton acara KUNG FU Show ini. acaranya cuman 3 jam-an doang. tapi seru banget deh pokonya. selain menampilkan jurus-jurus khas shaolin , anda juga bisa melihat keindahan gerak sekaligus kekuatan fisik para praktisi kung fu!

Harga? ga masalah ..The Price is only USD 63

Night Show - Kung Fu Show with Transfer

You will be picked up from your hotel and taken to the Beijing Red Theatre. Upon arrival at the Red Theatre, you will be shown to your seat so that you can enjoy the fantastic "The Legend of Kung Fu", a must-see production in Beijing for tourists and Kung Fu lovers. The Legend of Kung Fu moves ahead of the generic exhibitionist nature of performances to introduce a tale of learning, expressed by blending Kung Fu with modern dance. A child monk has discovered his identity through the temptation he faces on his journey to become the new abbot of the temple. The martial art ceremony and modern dance expression mould together to show the audience the monk's development to manhood. You will be transferred back to your hotel once the show ends at around 9:20pm.

Transportation by coach, The legend of Kung Fu Show and English speaking representative to and from the show only.

Notes :
A Local Representative will be present on the transfers to and from the show only. There will be multiple hotel pickups/drop-offs for other passengers onboard before arriving at your destination. Traffic and weather conditions may affect the schedule

Okay, contact us if you need any further explanation !


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